openSUSE Conference 2022


Full playlist: Video / Audio
openSUSE on Arm
15 min

openSUSE on Arm

The annual review

usrmerge and beyond
17 min

usrmerge and beyond

what's happening to the file system layout?

Will my hardware work with openSUSE?
31 min

Will my hardware work with openSUSE?

Don't be afraid of the kernel

Getting the most of AutoYaST in 2022
24 min

Getting the most of AutoYaST in 2022

Presenting some recent features you may have missed

D-Installer Project: Carving a Modern Installer
24 min

D-Installer Project: Carving a Modern Installer

A new installer based on D-Bus, YaST, Cockpit and web…

Almost Two Years of YaST News
37 min

Almost Two Years of YaST News

Recent changes and future plans at YaSTland