22C3: Private Investigations


Full playlist: Video / Audio
The very early Computer Game History
53 min

The very early Computer Game History

How the games have become the first digital mass product

Esperanto, die internationale Sprache
44 min

Esperanto, die internationale Sprache

Eine gut strukturierte Sprache für Geeks und die EU

Changing Realities
58 min

Changing Realities

Innovation, user-creation, activism and entrepreneurship in…

Logical Language Lojban
59 min

Logical Language Lojban

A Hackers' /Spoken/ Language?!

Literarisches Code-Quartett
59 min

Literarisches Code-Quartett

The good, the bad, and the ugly

Technological art off the trodden tracks
55 min

Technological art off the trodden tracks

Artists (mis)using technology

Lyrical I
46 min

Lyrical I

Abschluss des CCC-Poesie-Wettbewerbs