Lightning Talks II
Lightning Talk session
## [Divide and map. Now.](
*Jiri Vlasak* - [Website](, [Slides](
The damn project helps mappers by dividing some big area into smaller squares that a human can map.
## Mapping Historically Black Colleges and Universities in OSM
*Harrison Cole*
Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) are schools that were established exclusively for Black Americans prior to 1964. As of June 19th, 2020, their campuses are disproportionately undermapped in OSM relative to institutions with predominately white student populations. After putting out the call to map these campuses, volunteers have come together to submit thousands of edits and ensure that the campuses are represented properly. In this talk, I give a brief overview of how far the effort has come, and what still needs to be done.
## DDD123-OSM: 2D and 3D render toolchain
*Jose J. Montes*
Introducing the toolset we are building to generate 3D models from OpenStreetMap data, used in our under-development "racing in your own city" game, and sharing some pictures and videos.
## OSGeo + OSM
*Enock Seth Nyamador* - [Slides](
Quick introduction to Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) and highlighting projects for working with OSM Data.
## Tasking Manager 4 Tour
*Wille Marcel*
The new version of Tasking Manager, released on April 2020, has a new completely redesigned interface. This talk is a guided tour on the main parts of Tasking Manager 4.
## Uses of Mapping for Community Care During the Pandemic
*Andi Tabinas*
How were we able to use maps for community care during the COVID-19 situation in the Philippines? Through this lightning talk, I would like to share about how our volunteer organization, Mental Health AWHEREness, has been using maps and OSM data for community care in the Philippines.
## OpenStreetMap Data Pacific
*John Bryant*
Interest in open geospatial is growing in Pacific Island countries, where budgets and data availability are big problems, but the OpenStreetMap community in the region is still small. This project aims to introduce Pacific "geo" people to OSM by providing a weekly extract of 14 countries in a GIS-friendly format, bundled with a QGIS project and enhanced with some basic cartography.
## Hikar.js - bringing Hikar to the web
*Nick Whitelegg*
Hikar is an augmented reality app which overlays OSM ways on the camera feed of an Android device, and was presented last year at SOTM Heidelberg. The past year has seen a surge of interest in the three.js and A-Frame based augmented reality library AR.js, which allows AR apps to be developed for the web. This lightning talk summarises efforts so far to port Hikar to the web using AR.js.
## [Mapathon Keralam](
*Amitha K Biju*
Mapathon Keralam is being coordinated by the Kerala State IT Mission, with the concept of Let Us Make Our Map.