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Playlist "Linuxtag 2013"

Yum Repo Server 2.0: Scale Out Yum Repositories

Sebastian Herold (Immobilienscout24)

Yum repositories are the foundation of every RHEL-/CentOS-based data center, but do they scale? The new open source Yum Repo Server uses a GridFS/MongoDB cluster to achieve scalability, reliability and frequent updates for Yum repositories. Do you still use rsync jobs and createrepo? In frequently updated Yum repositories createrepo limits the update rate because it stores metadata on disk without reusing it efficiently. To break that limitation the Yum Repo Server queries pre-processed RPM-headers in MongoDB and generates repository metadata in memory. The talk will give insights about how we implemented this new way of thinking software repositories and it shows how to migrate seamlessly from rsync/createrepo to GridFS/MongoDB. Github Repository ( Folien / Slides (PDF) ( Folien / Slides (PPTX) (

About the author Sebastian Herold: Born and grown up in Berlin I can claim to be a "real Berliner". During high school I fell in love with Informatics to solve my math homework and I sold my first commercial application: a vocabulary trainer for french. A long-during relationship between software and me was born. To study cognitive science and mathematics I moved to Osnabrück and I had a great interdiciplinary time there. Back in Berlin I started working for BeagleSoft and I learned a lot about enterprise and high performance web applications for several customers all over Germany. In early 2011 I started as a software architect at Immobilienscout24, one of the biggest German websites. Here I mainly work on introducing continuous delivery and DevOps for the core platform. At IS24 I developed and co-authored several open source projects like Yum Repo Server, Nexus Yum Plugin, YADT and Config RPM Maker. For me it's fun to not only use open source software, but also create it myself.