Flatcar Linux: what's new in this Container OS?

hcloud server create --name flatcar

Mathieu Tortuyaux and Julian Tölle

Playlists: 'froscon2024' videos starting here / audio

Flatcar Linux is a Linux based Operating System designed to run container workloads from single containers to bigger deployments with Kubernetes. After introducing the basis of this Container OS the new features and integrations will be introduced.

In this talk, the basis of Container OS will be covered: provisioning with Ignition, immutability of the OS (`/usr` in read-only, etc.), container runtimes available to deploy containers without additional installation steps. We will then show what's new since the last year: composability of Flatcar with systemd-sysext, support with new providers like Hetzner, Flatcar in the Cluster API environment, etc.



