Wouldn't it be good if there was a standard for public code?
More and more, public organizations are embracing open source. But they often create something from scratch just for themselves rather than making their codebase reusable and to be collaborated upon with their peers. Wouldn't it be great if there was a standard for them to make that easier?
The Standard for Public Code is a set of criteria that supports public organizations in developing and maintaining software and policy together. It provides guidance to public organizations building open source solutions to enable successful future collaboration and reuse by similar organizations in the public sector in other places. It includes advice for policy makers, government managers, developers and vendors. The Standard for Public Code supports the collaborative creation of codebases that are usable, open, legible, accountable, accessible and sustainable. It is meant to be applicable to codebases for all levels of government, from supranational to municipal. The standard is itself open source and collaboratively built.
In this talk we'll give a walk-through of the standard, what it does and how it can be applied to a codebase. It will give you the ability to start assessing a codebase by yourself, including tips for some other resources that might helpful.