TTCN-3 and Eclipse TITAN for testing protocol stacks
TTCN-3 is a domain specific language developed specifically for testing protocol stacks. This talk introduces key aspects of the TTCN-3 language and what it makes particularly well-suited for protocol testing.
TTCN-3 is a domain specific language developed specifically for testing protocol stacks. It originates in ITU and is now maintained in ETSI. Since the open source release of the Ericsson TTCN-3 compiler as Eclipse TITAN, we can use a Free Software toolchain to develop test suites in this language. While used for decades in the ITU/ETSI telecom world, TTCN-3 has recently seen adoption in other areas. Comprehensive test suites are published in source form for IPv6, SIP, WiMax, DIAMETER as well as ePassports.
This talk introduces key aspects of the TTCN-3 language and what it makes particularly well-suited for protocol testing. It also introduces the Eclipse TITAN compiler and toolchain, as well as some real-world examples on how TTCN-3 can be used to test protocol stacks, together with integration into continuous integration via Jenkins.