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Playlist "openSUSE Conference 2024"

Developing on Aeon with Distrobox

Luca Di Maio

With the advent of Atomic and Transactional systems like Aeon, our development workflow has to adapt to newer paradigms

One of which is the use of containers for development.

We will see a little introduction to what Aeon is, what Distrobox is, and how to cover all our use cases with it, so to feel at home, in our new containerized environment.

[Presentation link](

With the advent of Atomic and Transactional systems like Aeon, our development workflow has to adapt to newer paradigms

One of which is the use of containers for development.

We will see a little introduction to what Aeon is, what Distrobox is, and how to cover all our use cases with it, so to feel at home, in our new containerized environment.

[Presentation link](