GNU Health on openSUSE - a community view

Insights into a global, diverse and friendly community

Axel Braun

Playlists: 'osc18' videos starting here / audio / related events

GNU Health is a community driven project. There is a wide spread variety of users that run GNU Health in different scenarios. And there is a community of 'makers', that build the software and brings it to its users.

This presentation will put some light into both communities. For the first time we have collected the end users, and will present some statistics around that.

And for you, the maker community, we will give you some ideas whats next in the development pipeline

GNU Health is a community driven project. There is a wide spread variety of users that run GNU Health in different scenarios. And there is a community of 'makers', that build the software and brings it to its users.

This presentation will put some light into both communities. For the first time we have collected the end users, and will present some statistics around that.

And for you, the maker community, we will give you some ideas whats next in the development pipeline




