Search for "fh"

Glass Hacks
60 min

Glass Hacks

Fun and frightening uses of always-on camera enabled…

Security Nightmares
101 min

Security Nightmares

Damit Sie auch morgen schlecht von Ihrem Computer träumen.

ASLR on the line
44 min

ASLR on the line

Practical cache attacks on the MMU

Internet of Dongs
32 min

Internet of Dongs

A long way to a vibrant future

Space Hacker
62 min

Space Hacker

Uploading rover...

Domain Name System
42 min

Domain Name System

Hierarchical decentralized naming system used since 30 years

The Maker movement meets patent law
67 min

The Maker movement meets patent law

How many windows are open in the patent fortress

„Wir beteiligen uns aktiv an den Diskussionen“
62 min

„Wir beteiligen uns aktiv an den Diskussionen“

Die digitale „Agenda“ der Bundesregierung aus inhaltlicher,…

60 min


Autonomous flying vehicles, where are we and where are we…

Fuck Dutch mass-surveillance: let's have a referendum!
32 min

Fuck Dutch mass-surveillance: let's have a referendum!

Forcing the Netherlands to publicly debate privacy and the…

Iridium Update
56 min

Iridium Update

more than just pagers