Search for "jom"

Do-FOSS - Freie Software in Kommunen: Vom Sollen zum Wollen
30 min

Do-FOSS - Freie Software in Kommunen: Vom Sollen zum Wollen

global denken, lokal handeln für nachhaltige Software

Counselling Mischief as Thought Crime
46 min

Counselling Mischief as Thought Crime

Social Networks, Free Speech and the Criminalization of…

The future of private clouds
63 min

The future of private clouds

Where is Nextcloud going

Gems are truly outrageous
30 min

Gems are truly outrageous

Combining 3D printing and crystallisation techniques

I have a dream
40 min

I have a dream

The ultimate Hackerspace; From Panopticon-prison to…

Harry Potter and the Not-So-Smart Proxy War
35 min

Harry Potter and the Not-So-Smart Proxy War

Taking a look at a covert CIA virtual fencing solution