Search for "quantum"

60 min


A gentle introduction to post-quantum cryptography

God does not play dice!
56 min

God does not play dice!

an introduction to quantum cryptography for sysadmins and…

Was haben Atome je für uns getan?
43 min

Was haben Atome je für uns getan?

I have lasers. You have atoms.

65 min


Fun with lattices in cryptography and cryptanalysis

Crypto Dawn
40 min

Crypto Dawn

A To Do list for Cyptographic Research and Implementations

"Gott würfelt nicht!"
64 min

"Gott würfelt nicht!"

Eine phantastische Reise in die Welt der allerkleinsten…

Tech(no)fixes beware!
45 min

Tech(no)fixes beware!

Spotting (digital) tech fictions as replacement for social…