Search for "32c3"
33 min
!Mediengruppe Bitnik about their recent works
57 min
Was tun nach der mittelmäßigen Kryptographie-Apokalypse?
36 min
A singing and dancing robot build to take part in casting…
47 min
Clean boot every boot - rejecting persistence of malicious…
61 min
Von der Historie zur Zukunft
147 min
Zahlenraten für Geeks [Number guessing for geeks]
58 min
Physically Unclonable Functions for Hardware Tamper…
30 min
So long and thanks for all the fish
65 min
Nine five minutes talks by various speakers
59 min
The demise of electronic voting in The Netherlands
49 min
Nine five minutes talks by various speakers
37 min
Nine five minutes talks by various speakers
118 min
2018 – Die Themen des Jahres
37 min
No, i don't want to install Jitsi the 100th time by hand
29 min
Hackers' knowledge studied by sociologist of science
53 min
Why Lauri Love’s case is even more important than you…
32 min
Wie Wertschätzung in (Tech-)Communities gelingen kann
42 min
Die Höhen und Tiefen der deutschen und europäischen…
63 min
Artistic interventions in climate change