Search for person "Sven Bingert"

Lightning Talks
82 min

Lightning Talks

Finde Deine Community

Herding docker images
58 min

Herding docker images

Providing docker images for 200+ developers with 150+…

Och Menno
39 min

Och Menno

Military Grade Bullshit

Anonymous Data Broadcasting by Misuse of Satellite ISPs
43 min

Anonymous Data Broadcasting by Misuse of Satellite ISPs

An open-source project to develop a tool for broadband…

Ceph Explained - With Raspberry Pis
50 min

Ceph Explained - With Raspberry Pis

Demonstration of Ceph on a Raspberry Pi cluster

Computer ohne Desktop
45 min

Computer ohne Desktop

Hardware schleppen ist uncool

a FrOSCon Map
43 min

a FrOSCon Map

mach dir deine eigene karte

Och Menno
45 min

Och Menno

Neue K(r)ampfhubschrauber für die Bundeswehr