31C3: a new dawn

Full playlist: Video / Audio
Traue keinem Scan, den du nicht selbst gefälscht hast
63 min

Traue keinem Scan, den du nicht selbst gefälscht hast

"Bei Kopierern kommt das raus, was man reinsteckt." – Wer…

Fnord News Show
117 min

Fnord News Show

Wir helfen Euch die Fnords zu sehen.

SS7: Locate. Track. Manipulate.
60 min

SS7: Locate. Track. Manipulate.

You have a tracking device in your pocket

Computer Science in the DPRK
33 min

Computer Science in the DPRK

A view into technology on the other side of the world

Mit Kunst die Gesellschaft hacken
67 min

Mit Kunst die Gesellschaft hacken

Das Zentrum für politische Schönheit

Ich sehe, also bin ich ... Du
60 min

Ich sehe, also bin ich ... Du

Gefahren von Kameras für (biometrische)…

Inside Field Station Berlin Teufelsberg
55 min

Inside Field Station Berlin Teufelsberg

The story of the NSA listening post – told by an ex-SIGINT…

Reconstructing narratives
63 min

Reconstructing narratives

transparency in the service of justice

Vor Windows 8 wird gewarnt
60 min

Vor Windows 8 wird gewarnt

Und nichts (Secure) Bootet mehr?

Security Nightmares
101 min

Security Nightmares

Damit Sie auch morgen schlecht von Ihrem Computer träumen.

State of the Onion
72 min

State of the Onion


What Ever Happened to Nuclear Weapons?
61 min

What Ever Happened to Nuclear Weapons?

Politics and Physics of a Problem That's Not Going Away

55 min


A gentle introduction to elliptic-curve cryptography

Let's build a quantum computer!
59 min

Let's build a quantum computer!

Understanding the architecture of a quantum processor

„Wir beteiligen uns aktiv an den Diskussionen“
62 min

„Wir beteiligen uns aktiv an den Diskussionen“

Die digitale „Agenda“ der Bundesregierung aus inhaltlicher,…

NSA Points of Presence in AT
59 min

NSA Points of Presence in AT

Vortrag mit aktuellen Fotos aus luftigen Perspektiven

From Computation to Consciousness
60 min

From Computation to Consciousness

How computation helps to explain mind, universe and…

Internet of toilets
35 min

Internet of toilets

Trends in the sanitarian territory

Funky File Formats
51 min

Funky File Formats

Advanced binary tricks

31C3 Keynote
66 min

31C3 Keynote

A New Dawn

Krypto für die Zukunft
31 min

Krypto für die Zukunft

Verteidigung gegen Dunkle Künste

10 Jahre OpenStreetMap
54 min

10 Jahre OpenStreetMap

Wir leben noch und zwar sehr gut.

»Hard Drive Punch«
25 min

»Hard Drive Punch«

Destroying data as a performative act

Why is GPG "damn near unusable"?
60 min

Why is GPG "damn near unusable"?

An overview of usable security research

The Cloud Conspiracy 2008-2014
63 min

The Cloud Conspiracy 2008-2014

how the EU was hypnotised that the NSA did not exist

Uncaging Microchips
61 min

Uncaging Microchips

Techniques for Chip Preparation

Rocket science – how hard can it be?
65 min

Rocket science – how hard can it be?

First steps into space with sounding rockets

Snowden Effect vs. Privacy Paradox
34 min

Snowden Effect vs. Privacy Paradox

Einstellungen und Internetnutzungsverhalten im Kontext des…

Die Krise der Bilder ist die Krise der Politik
58 min

Die Krise der Bilder ist die Krise der Politik

Die Krise der Politik ist die Krise der Bilder

GIFs: Tod eines Mediums. Und sein Leben nach dem Tod.
31 min

GIFs: Tod eines Mediums. Und sein Leben nach dem Tod.

Wie es kommt, dass technischer Fortschritt den Nutzern…

Let's Encrypt
62 min

Let's Encrypt

A Free Robotic Certificate Authority

Tell no-one
62 min

Tell no-one

A century of secret deals between the NSA and the telecom…

Correcting copywrongs
61 min

Correcting copywrongs

European copyright reform is finally on the horizon

31C3 Closing Event
18 min

31C3 Closing Event

Fernvale: An Open Hardware and Software Platform, Based on the (nominally) Closed-Source MT6260 SoC
59 min

Fernvale: An Open Hardware and Software Platform, Based on the (nominally) Closed-Source…

A Lawful Method for Converting Closed IP into Open IP

Cyber Necromancy
55 min

Cyber Necromancy

Reverse Engineering Dead Protocols

IFG – Mit freundlichen Grüßen
33 min

IFG – Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Neue Energie für die Informationsfreiheit

64 min


[Die Untersuchung]

Glitching For n00bs
58 min

Glitching For n00bs

A Journey to Coax Out Chips' Inner Secrets

Low Cost High Speed Photography
60 min

Low Cost High Speed Photography

Using microcontrollers to capture the blink of an eye for…

The Invisible Committee Returns with "Fuck Off Google"
61 min

The Invisible Committee Returns with "Fuck Off Google"

Cybernetics, Anti-Terrorism, and the ongoing case against…

AMD x86 SMU firmware analysis
54 min

AMD x86 SMU firmware analysis

Do you care about Matroshka processors?

osmo-gmr: What's up with sat-phones ?
60 min

osmo-gmr: What's up with sat-phones ?

Piecing together the missing bits

"Exploit" in theater
64 min

"Exploit" in theater

post-existentialism is the question, not post-privacy

Heartache and Heartbleed: The insider’s perspective on the aftermath of Heartbleed
29 min

Heartache and Heartbleed: The insider’s perspective on the aftermath of Heartbleed

The untold story of what really happened, how it was…

Forging the USB armory
30 min

Forging the USB armory

Creating an open source secure flash-drive-sized computer

Damn Vulnerable Chemical Process
61 min

Damn Vulnerable Chemical Process

Exploitation in a new media

The Matter of Heartbleed
50 min

The Matter of Heartbleed

What went wrong, how the Internet reacted, what we can…

Serenität – Anleitung zum Glücklichsein
45 min

Serenität – Anleitung zum Glücklichsein

Das Duo 'read & delete' präsentiert radikale philosophische…

Paypals War on Terror
58 min

Paypals War on Terror

A Historical Re-Enactment of the PayPal14

Attribution revolution
55 min

Attribution revolution

Turning copyright upside-down with metadata

3D Casting Aluminum
55 min

3D Casting Aluminum

Too Much Fun with Microwaves

Mein Bot, der Kombattant
60 min

Mein Bot, der Kombattant

Operative Kommunikation im digitalen Informationskrieg

Automatically Subtitling the C3
30 min

Automatically Subtitling the C3

How speech processing helps the CCC subtitle project, and…

Switches Get Stitches
58 min

Switches Get Stitches

Industrial System Ownership

Trustworthy secure modular operating system engineering
61 min

Trustworthy secure modular operating system engineering

fun(ctional) operating system and security protocol…

Code Pointer Integrity
61 min

Code Pointer Integrity

... or how we battle the daemons of memory safety

Mr Beam goes Kickstarter
31 min

Mr Beam goes Kickstarter

Lessons learned from crowdfunding a hardware project

Revisiting SSL/TLS Implementations
55 min

Revisiting SSL/TLS Implementations

New Bleichenbacher Side Channels and Attacks

Infocalypse now: P0wning stuff is not enough
29 min

Infocalypse now: P0wning stuff is not enough

Several failure modes of the hacker scene

Reproducible Builds
63 min

Reproducible Builds

Moving Beyond Single Points of Failure for Software…

Erste Stunden der Zweisamkeit
67 min

Erste Stunden der Zweisamkeit

Jahresupdate zur GEMA-Alternative C3S

Premiere: We love surveillance
10 min

Premiere: We love surveillance


Space Hacker
62 min

Space Hacker

Uploading rover...

Telescope Making
69 min

Telescope Making

How to make your own telescope

Virtual Machine Introspection
58 min

Virtual Machine Introspection

From the Outside Looking In

From Maxwell to antenna arrays
53 min

From Maxwell to antenna arrays

How 150 year old equations still help to communicate

31 min


You never read alone

The Maker movement meets patent law
67 min

The Maker movement meets patent law

How many windows are open in the patent fortress

How I Learned to Stop Reinventing and Love the Wheels
57 min

How I Learned to Stop Reinventing and Love the Wheels

or having FUN with (home/hackerspace) robotics

Information Control and Strategic Violence
30 min

Information Control and Strategic Violence

How governments use censorship and surveillance as part of…

Open-BCI DIY-Neuroscience Maker-Art Mind-Hacking
38 min

Open-BCI DIY-Neuroscience Maker-Art Mind-Hacking

open source DIY brain-computer-interfaces | technology and…

Why do we need an open food information platform
39 min

Why do we need an open food information platform

We want all data about food to be linked and public

Finding the Weak Crypto Needle in a Byte Haystack
32 min

Finding the Weak Crypto Needle in a Byte Haystack

Automatic detection of key-reuse vulnerabilities

net neutrality: days of future past?
60 min

net neutrality: days of future past?

Taking stock after two years of net neutrality in the…

Long war tactics
28 min

Long war tactics

or how we learned to stop worrying and love the NSA

Living Drones
31 min

Living Drones

From war pigeons in 1914 to cyborg moths in 2014

Towards General Purpose Reconfigurable Computing on Novena
59 min

Towards General Purpose Reconfigurable Computing on Novena

FPGAs for Everybody with Novena

The Time is Right
95 min

The Time is Right

Ein Science-Fiction-Theaterstück

Eye Wear Computing
32 min

Eye Wear Computing

Augmenting the Human Mind

Global Civil Society Under Attack
33 min

Global Civil Society Under Attack

Reports from the Frontlines

Das Transparenzportal Hamburg
32 min

Das Transparenzportal Hamburg

Inhalt und Umsetzung

The rise and fall of Internet voting in Norway
60 min

The rise and fall of Internet voting in Norway

Evaluating a complex cryptographic implementation

The Magical Secrecy Tour
30 min

The Magical Secrecy Tour

A Bus Trip into the Surveillance Culture of Berlin One Year…

29 min


DIY audio signal processing

Superheroes Still Need Phoneboxes
62 min

Superheroes Still Need Phoneboxes

The art of making a free phonebox and the culture of…

Privacy and Consumer Markets
30 min

Privacy and Consumer Markets

Reversing the Surveillance Business Model

61 min


Developing the Future of Authenticated Encryption

The eXperimental Robot Project
50 min

The eXperimental Robot Project

An open-hardware bipedal walking machine

Source Code and Cross-Domain Authorship Attribution
64 min

Source Code and Cross-Domain Authorship Attribution

The Role of Stylometry in Privacy

The Machine To Be Another
30 min

The Machine To Be Another

Exploring identity and empathy through neuroscience,…