Search for "gmc"

Introducing Osmo-GMR
55 min

Introducing Osmo-GMR

Building a sniffer for the GMR satphones

SymbiFlow - Finally the GCC of FPGAs!
62 min

SymbiFlow - Finally the GCC of FPGAs!

A fully FOSS, Verilog to bitstream, timing driven, cross…

osmo-gmr: What's up with sat-phones ?
60 min

osmo-gmr: What's up with sat-phones ?

Piecing together the missing bits

A modern manifest of cyberspace
40 min

A modern manifest of cyberspace

The internet is dead, long live the internet

Cat & Mouse: Evading the Censors in 2018
55 min

Cat & Mouse: Evading the Censors in 2018

Preserving access to the open Internet with circumvention…

Programmieren lernen ohne Rechner
47 min

Programmieren lernen ohne Rechner

Der "Little Man Computer" von 1965 und andere Papiercomputer

25 min


Uptime and QoS monitor for geospatial web-services

Modchips of the State
36 min

Modchips of the State

Hardware implants in the supply-chain

Console Security - Switch
56 min

Console Security - Switch

Homebrew on the Horizon