Search for "Manuel Bonk"

Watching the changing Earth
33 min

Watching the changing Earth

warning: gravity ahead

Traue keinem Scan, den du nicht selbst gefälscht hast
63 min

Traue keinem Scan, den du nicht selbst gefälscht hast

"Bei Kopierern kommt das raus, was man reinsteckt." – Wer…

A world without blockchain
42 min

A world without blockchain

How (inter)national money transfers works

Policing the Romantic Crowd
38 min

Policing the Romantic Crowd

Velocipedes and Face Recognition

Social Engineering: Geschichte, Wirkung & Maßnahmen.
56 min

Social Engineering: Geschichte, Wirkung & Maßnahmen.

Alles, was ihr immer über Social Engineering wissen…

Place & route on silicon
38 min

Place & route on silicon

A gentle introduction to place & route algorithms for…

Mr Beam goes Kickstarter
31 min

Mr Beam goes Kickstarter

Lessons learned from crowdfunding a hardware project

DevOps but for artworks in museums
61 min

DevOps but for artworks in museums

A look into pipelines ending in museums and not in the cloud

What's It Doing Now?
32 min

What's It Doing Now?

The Role of Automation Dependency in Aviation Accidents