Search for "fh"

Wie man einen Blackout verursacht
62 min

Wie man einen Blackout verursacht

und warum das gar nicht so einfach ist.

Haft für Whistleblower?
34 min

Haft für Whistleblower?

Demokratiefeindliches Strafrecht: Die Datenhehlerei gem. §…

Pointing Fingers at 'The Media'
59 min

Pointing Fingers at 'The Media'

The Bundestagswahl 2017 and Rise of the AfD

Wallet Security
35 min

Wallet Security

How (not) to protect private keys

Public Library/Memory of the World
62 min

Public Library/Memory of the World

Access to knowledge for every member of society

Reconstructing narratives
63 min

Reconstructing narratives

transparency in the service of justice

Shut Up and Take My Money!
30 min

Shut Up and Take My Money!

The Red Pill of N26 Security

Untrusting the CPU
61 min

Untrusting the CPU

A proposal for secure computing in an age where we cannot…

Deep Learning Blindspots
53 min

Deep Learning Blindspots

Tools for Fooling the "Black Box"

Desinformation und Fake News
42 min

Desinformation und Fake News

Bekämpfung und Verifizierung leicht gemacht

One year of securitarian drift in France
27 min

One year of securitarian drift in France

From the Bill on Intelligence to the State of Emergency

Fuzzing the phone in the iPhone
55 min

Fuzzing the phone in the iPhone


Syrian Archive
30 min

Syrian Archive

Preserving documentation of human rights violations