Search for "Loic"

Place & route on silicon
38 min

Place & route on silicon

A gentle introduction to place & route algorithms for…

Freedom from the web's monopolies
32 min

Freedom from the web's monopolies

A better architecture for the web, beneficial to both…

Don't Ruck Us Too Hard - Owning Ruckus AP Devices
48 min

Don't Ruck Us Too Hard - Owning Ruckus AP Devices

3 different RCE vulnerabilities on Ruckus Wireless access…

OWASP ProActive Controls
69 min

OWASP ProActive Controls

Sichere Anwendungen erstellen?

TrustZone is not enough
31 min

TrustZone is not enough

Hijacking debug components for embedded security

Deploy software with systemd-sysext
43 min

Deploy software with systemd-sysext

Introduction to OS extensions with sysext images