
Full playlist: Video / Audio
OONI: Let's Fight Internet Censorship, Together!
30 min

OONI: Let's Fight Internet Censorship, Together!

The Open Observatory of Network Interference

Mietshäusersyndikat: den Immobilienmarkt hacken
30 min

Mietshäusersyndikat: den Immobilienmarkt hacken

Wie man ein Haus kaufen kann ohne es zu besitzen

31 min


Resilient P2P Messaging for Everyone

Growing Up Software Development
31 min

Growing Up Software Development

From Hacker Culture to the Software of the Future

library operating systems
32 min

library operating systems

reject the default reality^W abstractions and substitute…

Modern key distribution with ClaimChain
32 min

Modern key distribution with ClaimChain

A decentralized Public Key Infrastructure that supports…

hacking disaster
35 min

hacking disaster

mit Krisenintervention den Kapitalismus hacken

Practical Mix Network Design
46 min

Practical Mix Network Design

Strong metadata protection for asynchronous messaging

Deep Learning Blindspots
53 min

Deep Learning Blindspots

Tools for Fooling the "Black Box"

The Internet in Cuba: A Story of Community Resilience
58 min

The Internet in Cuba: A Story of Community Resilience

Get a unique tour of some of the world’s most unusual…

Ein Festival der Demokratie
61 min

Ein Festival der Demokratie

Von Technik, Kollaborationen und Erreichtem zum G20-Gipfel…

How Alice and Bob meet if they don't like onions
61 min

How Alice and Bob meet if they don't like onions

Survey of Network Anonymisation Techniques